Prices: Rent / APL / Housing Research Fee (MOB)


Crous:  starting €500 per month including charges + deposit (1 month – recoverable at end of contract) and 1st month’s rent paid in advance.

Dauphine residences: starting 650€ and up, per month including charges + deposit (1 to 2 months – recoverable at the end of the contract) and 1st month’s rent paid in advance.

Payments can be made online.

Rents are payable monthly, provided you have produced a Visale or Garantme guarantee. Failing this, the student must pay all rent due for the period booked on arrival, even in the event of early departure.


All homes are eligible for APL.

The amount of APL varies according to the student’s social profile. The discount can be up to 200€ per month. Simulation possible on the CAF website. CLICK HERE.

Housing Assistance Fee (FAL)

Access to the housing service is conditional on payment of a 180€ fee payable at the end of the application process.

No refunds are possible for any reason.